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ADB-Japan Scholarship Program (JSP)

Opportunity category: Scholarships ,    Education mode: In-person,    Application deadline: 0000-00-00   


The Asian Development Bank (ADB)–Japan Scholarship Program (JSP) offers postgraduate studies opportunities to qualified individuals from ADB borrowing member countries, including Afghanistan.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Nationality: Citizen of an ADB borrowing member country.
  2. Education: Bachelor's degree or equivalent with a superior record; secured admission to an accredited master's program at a JSP-participating university.
  3. Experience: Minimum two years of professional work post-degree.
  4. Age: ≤35 years; exceptions possible with Japan's government endorsement.
  5. Health & Commitment: Good health with a commitment to return home for at least two years post-study.
  6. Restrictions: No affiliations with ADB staff or dual citizenship with a developed country.

Fields of Study

  1. Major fields include, among others, Development Studies and Law and Public Policy.

Scholarship Provisions

  1. Tuition fees
  2. Monthly subsistence allowance
  3. Books and medical insurance
  4. Travel expenses
  5. Special grants for research (in specific cases)


  1. Family expenses
  2. Extra-curricular activities
  3. Additional travel and equipment costs

Application Process

  1. Initial Inquiry: Contact the chosen partner institution for information and application forms.
  2. Documentation: Complete the required application documents, including the ADB-JSP information sheet.
  3. Submission: Submit the completed documents to the institution for evaluation.
  4. Evaluation: The institution evaluates applicants' credentials and decides their admission status.
  5. Shortlisting: The institution sends a shortlist of qualified candidates to ADB for further review.
  6. ADB's Review: ADB reviews the submissions from academic institutions.
  7. Recommendation: ADB recommends potential awardees based on its selection criteria to the Japanese executive director for final approval.
  8. Selection: ADB selects the scholars and informs the respective institution upon approval.
  9. Notification: The institution informs all the selected scholars about their successful scholarship award.

For a comprehensive overview and details, please visit Scholarships in Asia and the Pacific | Asian Development Bank (