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The World Justice Challenge 2024

Opportunity category: Competition,    Education mode: Hybrid ,    Application deadline: 2024-01-31   


The World Justice Challenge 2024 is a global competition by the World Justice Project aimed at fostering initiatives that safeguard and advance the rule of law. It invites applications from various sectors including civil society, government, media, and the private sector, highlighting impactful projects addressing global rule of law challenges.

Key Details:

  1. Number of Opportunities: 5 Awards
  2. Eligible Region/Countries: International
  3. Medium of Instruction: English
  4. Field of Study: Law
  5. Finalist Selection: 30 Finalists
  6. Award Ceremony Date: August 3-9, 2024
  7. Award Ceremony Location: Chicago, USA (American Bar Association Annual Meeting)


  1. Cash Awards: USD 20,000 for each of the five winning initiatives.
  2. Profile Building: Visibility through WJP’s website and social media.
  3. Networking: Access to the World Justice Challenge Alumni Network.
  4. Travel Sponsorship: Travel costs covered for all finalists attending the awards ceremony.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Initiatives should address rule of law concerns in specified categories.
  2. Applications are welcomed from all countries.
  3. Open to various sectors including non-profits, media outlets, government agencies, businesses, and academics.
  4. Collaborative entries among several organizations are welcome.
  5. Submissions must be in English, with an emphasis on the quality of the project.

Evaluation Criteria:

  1. Impact: Assessing the contribution to rule of law and democracy issues.
  2. Sustainability: Evaluating potential for sustained operation.
  3. Scaling or Replicability: Examining potential for expansion or replication.

Application Process:

Applications should be submitted online or via email to For any further information, questions, or details about the World Justice Challenge 2024, please contact the World Justice Project.