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UN e-Learning Courses

Opportunity category: Short course,    Education mode: Online,    Application deadline: 2023-10-22   


The United Nations offers a variety of online courses on global development and governance that are relevant to civil society organizations, legal practitioners, and lawyers. These courses, often available for free, cover topics such as human rights, sustainable development, migration, and international law.

A few notable courses include:

  1. HRC – Human Rights Council: This interactive tool provides insights into the Human Rights Council and its mechanisms. It is tailored for a variety of audiences, including government officials, NGO representatives, civil society organizations, and national human rights institutions.
  2. UNITAR – United Nations Institute for Training and Research: UNITAR offers courses accessible year-round or at multiple intervals annually. The courses are available without cost to the general populace.
  3. UN SDG:Learn: Through collective efforts, UN SDG:Learn offers a unique gateway highlighting the SDG-related learning products and services currently available.
In addition to these courses, there are many other relevant courses offered by other UN agencies, such as the International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). To learn more about these courses and to register, please visit the UN e-learning website: United Nations e-Learning courses: sharpen your skills (